Month of Horror Masterposts: Frankenstein

Episode Spotlight: Star Trek Season 1: Episode 5: The Enemy Within

“Captain’s log, stardate 1672.1. Specimen gathering mission on planet Alpha 177. Unknown to any of us during this time a duplicate of me, some strange alter ego, had been created by the transporter malfunction.” The first of Captain Kirk’s Captain’s Logs of The Enemy Within serves as a relatively apt description of the episode inContinue reading “Episode Spotlight: Star Trek Season 1: Episode 5: The Enemy Within”

Frankenstein: Final Thoughts

I don’t remember the first time I saw Frankenstien. For years, my Dad showed it (along with the rest of Universal’s horror catalogue) to me and my younger sisters, part of the annual Halloween tradition, carrying on a love for classic horror that he’d gained himself from watching creature-features when he was young.  As such,Continue reading “Frankenstein: Final Thoughts”

Frankenstein: Facets of Filmmaking

Universal Studio’s history with horror was a long one. The studio’s amazing run with the ‘children of the night’ began in 1923, with the silent movie hit The Hunchback of Notre Dame starring Lon Chaney Sr. (Father of the future Wolf-Man, Lon Chaney Jr.).  The film was a massive success, making $3 million (it soundsContinue reading “Frankenstein: Facets of Filmmaking”

Frankenstein: Facets of Film

Once a movie settles on its script, characters, and the behind-the-scenes crew, there’s still plenty of steps left before a project is turned into a film. As it turns out, there’s a lot of things to do in order to make a movie.  There’s cameras, music, sets, special effects, costumes, and a whole lot ofContinue reading “Frankenstein: Facets of Film”

Frankenstein: A Product of the Times

Released in 1931, Frankenstein clocks in at the oldest film reviewed on this blog.  Eight years before The Wizard of Oz would hit theaters, Frankenstein was released near the dawn of the ‘talkies’, a few short years after 1927’s film The Jazz Singer.  Frankenstein came out in a golden age for Hollywood, where filmmaking wasContinue reading “Frankenstein: A Product of the Times”

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