The Twilight Zone: Final Thoughts

The first time I saw an episode of The Twilight Zone, I think I must have been somewhere around twelve or thirteen.  It was the pilot episode, Where Is Everybody?, shown to me by my father, who had grown up on the show.  I remember the distinct feeling of unease, the shock of the ironicContinue reading “The Twilight Zone: Final Thoughts”

The Twilight Zone: Facets of Filmmaking

On October 2nd, 1959, the first episode of The Twilight Zone was aired, making television history and changing anthology forever.  While this might seem like the beginning of The Twilight Zone’s story, as a matter of fact, it was merely the first victory. You see, The Twilight Zone was not Rod Serling’s first attempt toContinue reading “The Twilight Zone: Facets of Filmmaking”

The Twilight Zone: Facets of Film

In my series of articles about Murder, She Wrote, I mentioned that television shows tend to not be as visually interesting as film.  Typically, the freedom of sets, props, special effects and camerawork is greatly restricted on a television budget, and as a result, television rarely ‘looks’ as nice as film does. The Twilight ZoneContinue reading “The Twilight Zone: Facets of Film”

The Twilight Zone: A Product of the Times

Although The Twilight Zone technically started in 1959, in a lot of ways, it’s a 60s show. That makes a lot of sense.  Created in the tail end of the 1950s, the culture was already transforming into the society of the sixties.  Sensibilities were changing, and so was television.  America was entering the Space Race,Continue reading “The Twilight Zone: A Product of the Times”

The Twilight Zone: The Characters

Meet a Twilight Zone protagonist: Odds are, they’re an ordinary person.  Maybe not exactly like you, but they’re normal, with hopes and dreams and aspirations.  They’re living life relatively normally, until everything goes wrong. Or, they’re a total scumbucket, a rogue who goes through life without regard for others.  Everything is going great, until theContinue reading “The Twilight Zone: The Characters”

The Twilight Zone: Genre and Themes

The Twilight Zone is a show that features alien invasions, the afterlife, haunted dolls, ghosts, existential crises, deals with the devil, and horrible, horrible endings.  It’s a show about the worst of humanity, and the things that can happen to us if we make wrong choices.  It’s a show that, if we think about it,Continue reading “The Twilight Zone: Genre and Themes”

The Twilight Zone: The Story

You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, the Twilight Zone! The problem with anthology shows is that there’s no real premise behind it.  Each episodeContinue reading “The Twilight Zone: The Story”

The Twilight Zone: Legacy and Impact

“There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to Man. It is a dimension as vast as space, and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition; and it lies between the pit of Man’s fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This isContinue reading “The Twilight Zone: Legacy and Impact”

The Twilight Zone (1959 – 1964) A horror, science fiction and drama anthology focused on individuals in strange situations.  These situations and characters expose the deeper aspects of humanity, exploring ideas in ways traditional dramas are less likely to do. Genre: Fantasy/Horror/Mystery/Science Fiction Rating: TV-PG Creator: Rod Serling Cast: Rod Serling Release Date: 2 October,Continue reading

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