12 Angry Men: Final Thoughts

Along with Casablanca, 12 Angry Men was one of the rare films I saw during my quest to watch all of the ‘classics’ that I actually enjoyed.  Despite being somewhere around fourteen, a little young, perhaps, to grasp all of the heavy concepts being used, I found myself deeply invested in the story and characters,Continue reading “12 Angry Men: Final Thoughts”

12 Angry Men: Facets of Filmmaking

For every movie ever made, there is a story of the making.  Everything from the creation of the story, to finding a director, writing a script, getting a cast, and much, much more is all part of the road to a finished film, and it is not, by any means, an easy road to take.Continue reading “12 Angry Men: Facets of Filmmaking”

12 Angry Men: Facets of Film

Once a movie gets a great cast, good characters, a well-written script and a good production team, there’s only one thing left to do before it’s ready for the big screen. Or more specifically, there’s a whole lot of things left to do before it’s ready for the big screen, all encapsulated in a not-so-simpleContinue reading “12 Angry Men: Facets of Film”

12 Angry Men: A Product of the Times

Despite what shows like Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best would have you believe, the 1950s in America were not a ‘simpler’ time. The soldiers came home from World War II, the economy expanded, and the nation’s population grew and thrived, all seeming like absolute wins in our nation’s history.  The suburbs grew,Continue reading “12 Angry Men: A Product of the Times”

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