The Princess Bride: Final Thoughts

I can’t, with any honesty, say that The Princess Bride is a film that I ‘grew up’ with. My aunt showed it to me when I was around thirteen or fourteen years old, and although I struggle to remember my initial impression, I do know that it wasn’t long before my sisters and I wereContinue reading “The Princess Bride: Final Thoughts”

The Princess Bride: Facets of Filmmaking

By the year 1987, director Rob Reiner had already been fairly well established in the film world. The son of the late Carl Reiner, (who directed films such as The Jerk, Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid, Summer Rental, and Summer School, as well as acting in many others) Rob Reiner had started in Hollywood asContinue reading “The Princess Bride: Facets of Filmmaking”

The Princess Bride: Facets of Film

Movie-making is a tough and complicated business.  Once you have a studio sold on your pitch and script, there’s changes to be made, casting to be done, lighting choices, changes to the script, sets to find, costumes to make, special effects to prepare, more changes to the script, camera set-up, studio supervision, and then, possibly,Continue reading “The Princess Bride: Facets of Film”

The Princess Bride: A Product of the Times

The 1980s were an age of surplus in terms of just about everything.  From the music and clothes to the explosions on screen, the 1980s were a clear example of excess, of wealth of ideas and resources, and nowhere was it more obvious than in the movie industry. From teen films to comedies to blockbusterContinue reading “The Princess Bride: A Product of the Times”

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