Ladyhawke: The Characters

The problem with putting a fairytale on screen is that the characters are usually the least interesting part of the story. In most legends, the focus of the story isn’t really on the characters.  It’s on the plot, and what the characters do.  When you come right down to it, the point of most fairytalesContinue reading “Ladyhawke: The Characters”

Ladyhawke: Genre and Themes

Castles?  Check. Knights in armor?  Check. Damsel in distress?  Check. Magical curse?  Check. A love fraught with obstacles?  Check. Must be a fantasy romance, right? At first glance, it does seem like Ladyhawke would certainly fit the description of being a fantasy romance film.  Navarre’s heroics and deep connection to his beloved Isabeau are aspectsContinue reading “Ladyhawke: Genre and Themes”

Ladyhawke: The Story

When you boil it down, the story of Ladyhawke isn’t quite a tale as old as time, but it’s pretty darn close. Ladyhawke tells the story of star-crossed lovers, suffering under a curse that stands between them.  It is the tale of a couple who struggle to remain hopeful, to find a way to breakContinue reading “Ladyhawke: The Story”

Ladyhawke: The Legacy

The year was 1985, and fantasy in the movies had never been bigger. Thanks to the success of Star Wars in 1977, special effects were getting bigger and better with every blockbuster, and the movies were striving to match.  In this new era of heroes and epic battles on screen, it seemed obvious to pairContinue reading “Ladyhawke: The Legacy”

Ladyhawke (1985) 2hr and 4 min After escaping a dungeon, a young thief, Phillipe (The Mouse) Gaston, is rescued by a knight named Navarre, a man who travels with a magnificent hawk.  Navarre also travels with a strange secret: he and his lover, Isabeau, are living under a curse.  This curse, which prevents the coupleContinue reading

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