The Goonies: Final Thoughts

I first saw The Goonies at the age of nineteen, during my first semester at college, well after the age I should have seen it at.  At some point, I realized halfway through the movie that this was really meant for an audience a little younger than I was, but I was far too hooked to care.

As of now, I’ve seen the film six times, and all that’s happened is that I’ve grown to love it more.

I never grew up with The Goonies the way other kids did, but even still, it didn’t take me long to become a fan, and it didn’t take much for me to remain one.

I was first struck by the energy this film has: not just from the actors, but from the atmosphere and story itself.  The movie has a magic to it, a pull that drags the audience along for the ride, an adventurous, exciting tone that has viewers, whether children themselves or a bit older, completely entranced.  I loved the characters, the sets, the action, the dialogue, the chaotic feeling of seven kids all on an adventure: I loved Sloth and the Fratellis, and the pirate ship, and I can’t think of the movie without smiling.  It was no surprise that I wasn’t alone in this.

The primary demographic for this film would seem to be obvious: children.  As such, this is a demographic that I missed, being just barely an adult when I was first exposed to it.  However, it isn’t just because I ‘missed my window’ that I say that the demographic for The Goonies is far broader than simply the age group it’s about.

Like I’ve said before, this movie is aimed at everyone.  Whether it’s kids, who see themselves in the group of ‘rejects’ or adults finding themselves sucked into the adventure, this film has something for everyone (with the exception of little kids), created with the intent to make even adults feel like kids again.

Clearly, it worked.

Audiences adore this movie, from the humor and quotable lines to the memorable action-adventure sequences and the sets, but most of all, for the characters and the heart.  It’s a film with a little bit of everything, intended to appeal to a wide variety of people, and it works.  There’s a reason this film’s fanbase has only grown in the years since it’s release as a major success.  And it makes sense: there’s a lot to love about this movie.

Is it a classic along the same vein as 12 Angry Men or The Wizard of Oz?  No.  But it is a classic, full of memorable moments that stuck with people for a reason.  This movie made an impression on people, and a huge impact in the culture, to the point where people who grew up with it now want their kids to grow up Goonies too.

In the end, The Goonies is a fun, exciting adventure film that has a lot of heart to it, determined to take every audience member along for the ride and make them feel like Goonies too.  It’s no Citizen Kane, but it’s not meant to be.  It succeeds at exactly what it sets out to do: entertain, excite, and make the audience feel something.  It goes above and beyond the bare minimum for a kids’ adventure story, and for that, it will continue to be remembered for years to come.

Personal Stats:

Favorite Character: I’d like to say Mikey, but if I’m going to be honest, probably Mouth.  I was a bit too much like him when I was younger.

Favorite Scene: The wishing well sequence.

Favorite Line/Dialogue: “Don’t you realize? The next time you see sky, it’ll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it’ll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what’s right for them. Because it’s their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it’s our time. It’s our time down here. That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket.”

Movie Ranking: Objective 7 or 8/10.  Subjective: 8/10.

Well, that’s the end of our look at The Goonies.  Thanks so much for reading!  I hope you enjoyed this study, and I’ll see you in the next article.

Published by RetroactiveReviewer

I'm a big twentieth-century (and a little 21st!) movie and TV buff, and I love musical theater, weightlifting, writing, and reading! I run a movie and tv-analysis/review blog, write, and run a fitness YouTube channel!

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